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Common Name: African Crested Porcupine

Scientific Name: Hystrix cristata

Class: Mammals

Diet: Herbivore

Size: The adults can grow to between 60-83cm long with a tail of 8-17cm long, and weighs between 13-27kg.

Average Lifespan: 12 - 28 years

Origin: Italy, North Africa & Sub - Saharan Africa

Conservation Status: Least concern (IUCN, 2016)


Physical Description

  • The African Crested Porcupine have sharp and sturdy quills along their sides and back half of body that used for protection and defensive their self against predators.

  • The head, neck, shoulders, limbs and underside of their body covered with coarse, dark brown or black brittles.



Forests, rocky areas, mountains & sandhill deserts


Did You Know?

  • It is the one of the largest species of porcupine from Africa.

  • Contrary to the belief, porcupines do not shoot their quills/ spine.

  • In order to defend themselves, they have 3 steps to give caution:

1. They will just expands the quills to make the body seems bigger in size.

2. They will shake their tail and body to make sounds.

3. They will step their feet and move backward towards the attacker to rush them away.

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