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Common Name: Black Tailed Prairie Dog

Scientific Name: Cynomys iudovicianus

Class: Mammalia

Diet: Herbivore

Hay, grass, leafy greens and vegetables.

Size: Measure 36 to 46cm long and weight around 1 kg.

Average Lifespan: 5 – 8 years

Origin: North America (Canada to Mexico)

Conservation Status: Least Concern


Physical Description

  • On its back and sides, it has yellowish to reddish brown fur and lighter color fur under its neck and on its chest.

  • It has small ears on its head's sides, a long body and small front paws long claws

  • Prairie dog has a short black tail.



They lives in a burrows


Did You Know?

  • Grooming, hugging, and kissing are regular activities for prairie dogs..

  • Black-tailed prairie dogs can go without drinking water and from the moist, leafy foods they eat, they get all the moisture they need.

  • They like to foraging, make a hole for themselves for breeding, keep their young and also hiding from predator.

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