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Common Name: Fat Tailed Gerbil

Scientific Name: Pachyuromys duprasi

Class: Mammals

Diet: Omnivore

Size: The average adult head and body length is approximately 10.8 cm and their weight can reach to 0.365 kg.

Average Lifespan: 5-7 Years

Origin: Africa

Conservation Status: Least Concern (IUCN,2016)


Physical Description

  • Fat tailed Gerbil have fur that is long and fluffy, they have oval shape eyes and pink ear.

  • The main colour off their fur varies between gray and tan with dorsan hair.

  • They have a short fat tail and lack brush hair



Terrestrial and desert or dune


Did You Know?

  • A very docile animal and spend most of their time grooming their fur and their tail getting fatter after they eat then it uses it when food become scarce

  • The tails function as storing food and water so that they can have a food and water resources from their own tail.

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