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Updated: Apr 14, 2021

Common Name: Giant Asian Pond Turtle

Scientific Name: Heosemys grandis

Class: Reptiles

Diet: Omnivore

Size: Average fully grown adults can be up around 30cm - 34cm and 3kg - 5kg, however, they may grow maximum to 43.5cm with 10kg.

Average Lifespan: 20 - 30 years

Origin: Southeast Asia

Conservation Status: Vulnerable


Physical Description

  • These turtles have dark brown to black carapace, with a light brown of keel on it.

  • Their skin colour are usually dark brown or grey and there will be orange marking on their head. However, some individuals' marking are very faint.

  • Males are larger than females and they have concave plastron.

  • They have large feet and webbing toes.



They prefer slow-moving water sources, river and streams, lakes, swamps and marshes


Did You Know?

  • One of the largest hard-shelled, semi-aquatic Asian turtles.

  • They also known as '“Giant Asian Pond Terrapin” and “Giant Leaf Turtle”

  • They like basking in the the shallow water edge.

  • They also can be found hidden at the underneath ground.

  • They are hunted for their meat and for traditional Chinese medicine purpose.

  • They also threaten by habitat loss and drought at wetlands.

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