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Updated: Apr 14, 2021

Common Name: Malayan Box Turtle

Scientific Name: Cuora amboinensis kamaroma

Class: Reptiles

Diet: Omnivore

Size: Adult can grow up to 20cm

Average Lifespan: 25 - 30years in wild, up to 38 years in captivity

Origin: South East Asia

Conservation Status: Vulnerable


Physical Description

  • These turtles are in dark olive green to black, for both carapace and skin. However, they have 3 yellow stripes on each of their left and right face.

  • Their plastrons are in creamy yellow to light brown.

  • They have highly domed carapace, allow them to hide all their body inside the shell.

  • The adult males have longer and thicker tails and also larger claws on the limbs comparing to the adult females.



Tropical rainforest areas, especially warm still water source.


Did You Know?

  • They are sub-species of Amboina box turtle.

  • They also known as 'Malaysian Box Turtle' and 'Southeast Asian Box Turtle'.

  • Due to their highly domed carapace and hinged plastron that making an almost enclosure for Malayan box turtles, they are able to pull their head, legs and tails completely into the shell, protecting them when they are threaten by predators.

  • They are diurnal, which they are active during daytime. However, they would avoid hot temperature, therefore, during midday time, they will hide themselves at in mud or other cool place to release heat.

  • As they like chilling temperature, they mostly active during morning or after rain.

  • They love permanent habitat, therefore, if they are relocated, they will tends to go back to there home.

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