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Updated: Apr 14, 2021

Common Name: Pig Nose Turtle

Scientific Name: Carettochelys insculpta

Class: Reptiles

Diet: Omnivore

Size: Fully grown turtles may grow to 60cm - 70cm and weight of 20kg - 30kg.

Average Lifespan: 25 - 40 years

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Origin: Northern Australia, Southern New Guinea

Conservation Status: Vulnerable


Physical Description

  • Pig nose turtles are in olive green to gray in colour, both carapace and skin. However, their plastral are in white, cream to yellow.

  • Their shell are leathery, unlike other turtles with hard shell.

  • They have long fleshy snout, this is where they get their name as 'pig nose turtle'.

  • The males have larger tails compare to the females.

  • Different from other freshwater turtles, the Pig Nose Turtles have flipper, flat paddle-liked limb instead of claws limb.


Did You Know?

  • They also known as 'Pitted-shelled Turtle' and 'Fly River Turtle'.

  • These turtle are the sole surviving member among the carettochelyid, which reaching back to around 140 million years, which is 70 million years before dinosaurs totally disappear in this world.

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