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Photo taken : FITC, (to be taken)

Common Name: Elongated Tortoise

Scientific Name: Indotestudo elongate

Class: Reptiles

Diet: Omnivore

Size: The fully grown tortoises are usually around 30cm long and weight up to 3.5kg.

Average Lifespan: 20 - 50 years

Origin: South East Asia

Conservation Status: Endangered


Physical Description

  • The shell usually pale tannish yellow to caramel and with blotches of black on each scute, while skin is in cream yellow to light gray.

  • Females have longer and more curved hinged claws and they usually wider and more round than males.

  • The males have longer tails than females.



Warm and tropical forest, mainly in damp upland.


Did You Know?

  • Due to their colouration similar to pineapple, they are also named as ‘Pineapple tortoise’

  • Elongated tortoises are a crepuscular animal which they active at the dusk and dawn.

  • They do not swim, however, they love basking, this is because they always need water to help them cool down their body during the hot day.

  • These tortoises are not seasonal breeders, which means they can mate and breed throughout the year. When it comes to mating, the males will blush, which will have a pink colour around their nose.

  • They are now threatened by habitat loss, forest fires, and over-collecting for pet trading.

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