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Common Name: Slow Loris

Scientific Name: Nycticebus coucang

Class: Mammals

Diet: Herbivore

Size: Slow Loris are about 27 - 37cm long.

Average Lifespan: They can live up to 24 years.

Origin: Southeast Asia

Conservation Status: Endangered ( IUCN 2015)

Physical Description

Slow lorises have a mostly white stripe between their eyes.

They are usually have light brown pelage with a darker-colored stripe running down their back. Thick fur hides their ears.

Their highly-reduced vestigial tail is hidden underneath their fur.

Their eyes are large because their primarily nocturnal activity.

Their hands act as powerful clamps for grasping. Both gender share similar color, size or weight.

They have a toothcomb and six procumbent teeth on their lower jaw.

Lorises usually use toothcomb to scratch off gum when foraging, and they will not always use their toothcomb for grooming.



Tropical lowland forests, tropical evergreen and semi-evergreen forests, seasonal wet evergreen forests, dry evergreen forests, mixed deciduous tropical forests, sub-tropical broadleaf hill forests, swamp forests, savannahs, montane and sub montane forests, shrub forests, peat swamps and hardwood forests.


Did You Know?

Slow lorises may be slow in movement, but they can travel up to 8 kilometers in one whole night.

Muscles on a slow loris allow them to remain in a place without any movement for hours at a time.

The second finger on a slow loris is smaller than the rest for gripping purposes.

Slow loris has long tongue. It helps them is used to drink nectar.

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