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Jayen Chan


Updated: Apr 14, 2021

Photo Source: Phantasy Farm, Port Dickson, Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia

Common Name: Sulcata Tortoise

Scientific Name: Geochelone sulcata

Class: Reptiles

Diet: Herbivore

Size: For mature female, in average they can grow up to 50cm and 60kg while for male, they usually may grow up to 80cm and until 100kg in weight.

Average Lifespan: 50 – 150 years

Origin: Northern Africa

Conservation Status: Vulnerable


Physical Description

  • Sulcata Tortoises have broad oval and flat carapace, in yellow and brown. Meanwhile, their thick skin is in golden yellowish brown. They have growth rings marked with their age on the scutes.

  • To identify their gender easily, the mature male has to revert the marginal scale in the front.

  • Both males and females have furrows on their strong legs, helping them to dig below the ground.



Hot and dry deserts to savannah.


Did You Know?

  • Sulcata Tortoise is the third largest tortoise in the world.

  • The name ‘Sulcata’ actually means ‘furrow’ in Latin, which can be founded on their strong legs. They also called ‘Spurred Tortoise’ due to they have 2 to 3 conical spurs back of their thighs.

  • Sulcata tortoises are crepuscular animal, which they are active during the dusk and dawn.

  • They can live without food or water for weeks, that is why they can survive in the hot and dry desert, where food and water sources may be hard to reach.

  • These tortoises can double up their body size every 3 years, they grow really quick!

  • In Senegal, these tortoises are believed to the symbol of longevity, fertility, and happiness.

  • Sulcata tortoises are popular with many exotic pet lovers. Due to the trend of keeping them as pets causing over-collecting for trading purposes and other reasons such as habitat loss and poaching, the number of Sulcata Tortoise has decreased recently.

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