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Common Name: Termites

Scientific Name: Isoptera

Type: Insect

Diet: Detritivores

Size: Usually, they are between 0.6cm and 1.27cm of an inch in length, about the same size as a pencil eraser.

Average Lifespan: 1 – 2 years

Origin: Spreading from humid forests to savannahs and even arid areas, the tropical and subtropical regions.

Conservation Status: Non extinct


Physical Description

  • Termites have straight antennas and two equal-length sets of wings.

  • With a straight belly, they also have two body segments.

  • They will differ based on their type and age, in shades of white, brown and black.



Typically, they live in damp, dying wood or in leaking plumbing houses that keep the wood wet.


Did You Know?

  • Termites are known as ‘silent destroyers’ because of their ability to chew through wood, flooring and even wallpaper undetected.

  • Termite never sleeps, their colonies are built 24 hours a day, every day, until they die.

  • Termites are actually important decomposers.

  • They break down tough plant fibers into fresh soil, recycling dead and rotting trees.

  • For the health of our trees, these hungry insects are important. Termites also ventilate and enrich the soil as they tunnel.

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